Women's Health Month

September is Women's Health month at Screwfix and throughout this month we're raising awareness of health issues that affect women and people assigned female at birth.

Even today, some people still refrain from saying words like menopause, menstrual cycles and ovulation which can prevent women from starting conversations about their health or seeking support for health issues.

We went out to colleagues across the business and asked ‘What does Women’s Health mean to you?’ and below are a few responses we received!


“Its important to me because I want to be active and healthy for the next 40 years of my life”

“I want to be the best version of myself for not only me but for the people around me”

“Smear tests, it saved my life, they are so important”

“I now go running with a group of people, it’s really good for talking openly about things & getting me out the house!”


We encourage our colleagues to keep the conversation going throughout the year and not only in September!